Build a free website!
Building your web site is easier than ever with our free web site builder! Our free web site builder has the latest technology and hundreds of new, trendy web site designs in many categories.
Free doesn't mean "cheap looking".
You'll find we have the best site builder on the Internet.
Try it out now!
Here is a small sample of our 1,100+ unique website designs.

Use the free web site builder program to build your free website. Choose from over 15,000 free website design options. If you love the website you built, just buy the affordable web hosting and put it online. Only $6.95/month will host your free 1-page website, and $24.95/month will host your free 70-page e-commerce or blog web site! View our web hosting packages.
We're so sure you love our web site builder that we offer a free 30-day trial. No payment or credit card is required during the 30-day period. Build your website free for 30 days, and pay for web hosting only if you love the website you built. All websites must have web hosting anyway, so why not get a free professional website with your web hosting plan?
Awards for Free Website Builder
Websites built by our customers
There are no HTML codes to remember, no need to learn any graphic design. You don't even need to know the basics of website design. All you need to know is how to use your web browser. The entire website building process is managed by simple, easy to use website wizards that help you build all parts of your website.
Just select a particular website wizard based on your website needs. The wizard then hand-holds you through the rest of the building process by asking you to perform simple tasks, step by step.